Cerebral Palsy Therapy
Therapy, the most common form of treatment for cerebral palsy, focuses on supporting and developing function, mobility, communication, fitness, and independence based on a patient’s specific needs. Most medical professionals urge patients to optimize rehabilitative potential by selecting several forms of cerebral palsy therapy and treatment. As you’ll learn in this section, therapy options often have physical, emotional, social, mental, and cognitive benefits, particularly when paired with other forms of treatment and therapy.
The Detroit birth injury lawyers at Michigan Cerebral Palsy Attorneys understand that cerebral palsy can be a devastating condition with expensive, time-consuming therapy requirements. If you believe your child’s birth injury resulted from a medical professional’s negligent act, our award-winning and highly focused attorneys can help you obtain the compensation you deserve. Our medical malpractice law firm exclusively handles birth trauma cases and our attorneys have the experience and knowledge necessary to win cases related to cerebral palsy, hypoxic ischemic encephalopathy, and other birth injuries. Contact Michigan Cerebral Palsy Attorneys in any of the following ways and our attorneys will review your case for free:
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Therapy Options for Individuals with Cerebral Palsy
In this section, we’ll discuss the benefits, goals, and results of the following forms of cerebral palsy therapy. Whether you or a loved one have cerebral palsy or a different disabling condition, we encourage you to read through our resources and use them as a springboard for your personalized, comprehensive treatment plan. Should you have any questions, we encourage you to contact our birth injury attorneys and professionals here.
- Physical therapy
- Recreational therapy
- Occupational therapy
- Speech and language therapy
- Conductive education (CE)
- Hyperbaric oxygen therapy (HBOT)
- Stem cell therapy
- Suit therapy (Adeli suit, NeuroSuit, intensive suit therapies)
- Complementary and alternative therapy